[CQ-Contest] Mobile contesting Handicap

W1HIJCW at aol.com W1HIJCW at aol.com
Mon Aug 4 11:41:40 EDT 2003

You know your commute is too long (and there is no contest going on) when you 
have time to mull over such things as:

A proposed handicap for stations doing CW contests mobile in motion, single 
op, no computer, no memory keyer, no recorder ...

              ---                   ----
              |      (raw score)       |
              | ---------------------  | 
Final Score = |    (1/CS) + (1/RS)     | X (1/TD)
              |    ----------------    |
              |           2            |
              ---                   ----

     Where: CS = average speed of CW ("PARIS" standard wpm)
            RS = average road speed for session (in Km/hour)
            TD = "traffic density" factor (0<TD>1)

Hence for NAQP, my 21 Q's & 12 mults for 252 points becomes:

Final Score = (252 / (((1/30) + (1/125)) / 2)) * (1/0.6)
            = 20322.58065 points

chuckle, chuckle , :>)

73 de Bill, W1HIJ/6

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