[CQ-Contest] If You Don't QSL, LISTEN UP!

Barry Merrill barry at mxg.com
Wed Aug 6 10:27:17 EDT 2003

Many years ago, I scheduled a "QSL Exchange Contest",
but it never got off the ground.

The idea was a "contest" period in which all participants
agreed to complete a QSL card for each contact during that
period, and also agreed to mail all QSL cards on the day
after the end of the contest, along with a return SASE,
along with a Dollar per 100 QSLs they sent.

I figured I could get a ham club or church or school group
to sort and send the QSLs:

 Estimate 600 stations participate sending 600 QSLs each.
 600 Cards 4.5 inchs apart would requires 220 linear feet,
   so they would fit on both sides of 11 10-foot tables
 Since the incoming cards are already sorted, distributing at
   20 cards per minute seems reasonable, so it would take
   on the order of a half-hour per station.
     For 600 stations, that's 300 people-hours,
     or 30 volunteers for 10 hours,
      plus a few hours to setup tables and get organized, etc.
 But since each station sent in their one penny per QSL,
 or $6 per station here, that volunteer group would get
 $3600 for those 300 volunteer hours, or about $12 per
 hour per volunteer, which seems fair for everybody.  

I still think it is feasible, but is it desired?

Barry, W5GN

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