[CQ-Contest] CQWW - what do I do about unlikely QSO

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Mon Dec 1 16:10:07 EST 2003

This type of thing happens almost every contest.  THis is another reason why
someone needs to review the log rather than letting a computer figure the
final score.  I would log the QSO and make a note in the cabrillo soapbox or
comments area that a qso with NA9NA at 2330Z on freq Mhz was made but may be
a bogus contact.  There have been famous fakes in the CQ 160 each year and
saavy K3ZO always points them out but logs them.   It probably is a valid
call from a local (to North America) Dx station who skims the band working
different stations.
Dave K4JRB

> I operated SO160(A) in the contest. About 30 minutes
> before the end I was called by a station from one of
> the NA DXCC islands. This was the first time I heard
> him over the weekend and I don't think he was
> previously spotted on any band. I have my doubts about
> whether he was genuine - but I'm sure I copied the
> call and exchange correctly. And of course the extra
> multiplier was very welcome.
> My first question - do I claim him?
> My second question - does this count as massaging the
> log after the event?
> 73 Roger

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