[CQ-Contest] Improper packet spotting?

Barry w2up at mindspring.com
Wed Dec 3 12:57:18 EST 2003

During the contest, I noted a W1 station doing a lot of spotting of 
stateside stations, many of whom were his fellow YCCC members.  As a 
result of this, one of my fellow FRCers started spotting some of us 
(myself included).
Is this an accepted practice?  IMO, it shouldn't be.  One of the 
"unwritten" CQWW rules says "active use of packet spotting only." If 
you can't work the station being spotted for points, then you 
shouldn't spot it, right?
Barry W2UP--
Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

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