[CQ-Contest] dxsummit spot analysis

Doug Smith W9WI w9wi at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 3 09:15:01 EST 2003

On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 08:57, TOMK5RC at aol.com wrote:
> If you are annoyed by typos, you are relegated to a life of disappointment 
> with packet spots. I know I made at least two typos over the weekend. Sorry but 
> it is caveat emptor (no warranty expressed or implied).

The last time I operated assisted, the first time or two I made a typo I
stopped concentrating on operating the contest and made sure I promptly
fixed the error.

Then I took an offtime and thought about it.

And from there on out, as long as the typo didn't put the station in the
wrong country, I didn't bother fixing it.  (on packet.  It was fixed in
the log.)  As long as I'm not sending other operators on a wild goose
chase after a needed mult that isn't there...  it's my responsibility to
copy the other guy's call for *my* QSO.  For *your* QSO, it's *your*
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN  EM66

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