[CQ-Contest] FIXED: New program to analyze passes in a Cabrillo log

Jim Reisert AD1C jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
Wed Dec 3 23:59:08 EST 2003

[The .ZIP file I uploaded Wednesday morning had a corrupted .EXE file in it 
(bad switch to ZIP program).  It should be fixed now.  Sorry for the troubles!]

I wrote a short program which attempts to locate passed (*) QSOs in a 
Cabrillo log.  You can download it from:


The program will only run in a DOS window on Win 95/98/NT/2K/XP, it will 
not work in ordinary DOS. I'll see what I can do this weekend about fixing it.

The syntax is:

         pass <CONTEST.LOG> [minutes]

The log must be in Cabrillo format, or the program will exit.  The output 
will be written to a file of the same name as the input, except with a 
".PASS" extension.  You can open this file in notepad to view it.

Minutes is the pass "window", default is 5 minutes if not specified.  If 
the same station isn't logged within that time window on two different 
bands or modes, it's not considered a pass.  Each pass starts a new window, 
so it's possible to see passes to three or more bands grouped together, if 
the time between each QSO is less than the window size.

Here is a sample of the output from one of KC1XX's old logs:

>Reading QSO data from kc1xx.log
>         7716 QSOs.
>         3659 unique callsigns.
>         Pass limit = 5 minutes.
>DL5WW        2003-02-15 1557 14020 CW
>->           2003-02-15 1558 21001 CW
>DL7ALM       2003-02-16 1210 28016 CW
>->           2003-02-16 1212 21004 CW
>->           2003-02-16 1213 14001 CW
>DL7ANR       2003-02-15 2151 14020 CW
>->           2003-02-15 2154  7004 CW

I hope people find this useful.  I have tested it with only CQWW and ARRL 
DX, but other contests *should* work.  I'd be happy to hear your comments.

73 - Jim AD1C

(*) A pass is when you work a station and then ask him/her to QSY to a 
different band or mode. If the station you worked asks you to QSY, this is 
also a pass. The program can't tell the difference.  If you work a multi-op 
within the pass window because you saw it spotted on two different bands at 
the same time, the program will think *this* is also a pass!

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.com
PGP Fingerprint: D8E2 3D78 339F A7F1 8C13  1193 B5D1 4FB6 79D1 70DC

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