[CQ-Contest] more spot analysis

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Thu Dec 4 09:44:52 EST 2003

David Robbins K1TTT wrote:

> Statistics, statistics, statistics.... 
> Here are the top over all spot getters for cqww cw:
> DX	Count
> 5U5Z	497
> HC8N	494
> ZA1A	315
> TO4WW	292
> PJ2T	285
> T32WW	282
> TS7N	253
> PT5A	251
> TO4E	242
> OH0Z	241
> nothing surprising here, full time operations from rare countries get
> spotted alot.
Not that PJ2, HC8 and PT5 is rare to me but maybe they have
a lot of friends, the deal friends spotting friends.
I just wounder where CT9L ended up in the spot count?


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