[CQ-Contest] Dupes vs. Not in Log

Lee Hiers aa4ga at contesting.com
Thu Dec 4 18:08:00 EST 2003

On 4 Dec 2003 at 8:39, WA7VNI wrote:

> What should I do? Do I say "no, not in my log" or just let
> it go. Neither of these stations were mult's for me so the
> loss on my part was minimal and I just let it pass. 

I usually say "NIL", but if it's no mult, I don't get too 
crazy over it...if it's a mult, I try real hard to make the 
guy work me again.  Sometimes, I'll just let it go 
entirely, satisfied in the knowledge that the other guy is 
going to lose a Q.

> Seems like it would be best for both parties to get it
> fixed but what would you as the Op "with too many dupes"
> prefer me to do if you say I'm in your log but you are
> not in mine? 

Odds are if you call me and you're in my log, I'm just 
going to work you again and not even mention it.  That's by 
far the best way to handle it.

Arguing about it slows everybody down.  If I was stupid 
enough to refuse to work you again and I'm not in your log, 
my stupidity gets repayed at log-checking time with an NIL.

As they say, YMMV...but it shouldn't!

73 de Lee

Lee Hiers, AA4GA
Cornelia, Georgia

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