[CQ-Contest] ARRL 160 & DX Particpation

KEN SILVERMAN k2kw at prodigy.net
Sun Dec 7 09:19:11 EST 2003

Comments From 3830

>Call: W1AO
>I agree with ZF2NT's comments regarding the scoring for DX stations.

>Call: W8CAR
> I think it's time to 'fix' this test by allowing better DX participation.

Guys, If you really want to see some changes in the ARRL 160m Contest,
please write N1ND and tell him so.

Just this week I was corresponding with Dan about this very issue, and I
don't think he understands the interest there is regarding DX participation
in this contest. When we were in 6Y last weekend, N6BT and I were looking
for different contests to play in, and we both like 160m.  We would be very
interested in doing an operation from 6Y in this contest.  But...

It's worthless to do any kind of DXpedition effort, since there is zero
recognition to DX stations.  I think that would rapidly change should there
be a top-five set of boxes for the various categories for DX participants.
Even if the DX recognition was relegated to the ARRL website, it would still
official recognition.  K3BU keeps an unofficial tally for acheivements in
this contest, but people don't want
to seriously compete for unofficial recognition.  I view the ARRL 160
contest as
having a very similar format as the ARRL DX Contest, which is an "Everyone
Work the USA" type of Contest.  DX gets recognized in that contest, why not
in the ARRL 160 contest?

Recognizing DX does not change the format of the contest at all - the
will always be an "Everyone Works the USA" type contest.
Giving credit to DX accomplishments  simply
recognizes efforts in which the contest actively seeks involvement.  If DX
wasn't encouraged or a desired component of this contest, it would not and
should not be allowed in the scoring.

Kenny K2KW

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