[CQ-Contest] Canada Winter Contest!

ve3kz ve3kz at allstream.net
Tue Dec 16 09:09:00 EST 2003

Hello Contesters

RAC would like to announce the running of the RAC Canada Winter Contest, 24
hours on Dec. 27, 2003. Join us in the "Great White North" for a day of fun.
Everybody works everybody and the Canadian Provinces and Territories per
band on each mode (Phone and CW) are the multipliers 2 through 160m. Please
look at our web site at http://www.rac.ca/opsinfo/infocont.htm for details
of the rules and for the Results of the 2002 RAC Canada Winter Contest. For
you QRPers, also check the QRP-Canada web site for a
contest-within-a-contest "Run Within RAC" at http://www.rac.ca/qrpcan/.

Last year we had logs submitted from 31 countries with many more noted in
those logs. Point your antennas at Canada on the 27th, and good luck to all!

73 Bob VE3KZ

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