[CQ-Contest] 6M contest discussion

Mark Beckwith mark at concertart.com
Wed Dec 17 16:04:06 EST 2003

> I don't think it would be to anyone's interest to start up another single
band VHF contest.

It would be to my interest.  Here's why:

Some have noted correctly that operating "single-band 6M" in the June VHF
Contest would not be the same as holding a 10M contest knock-off on 6M.  If
done properly, there would be a bazillion people on 6M who had never
previously explored that position on their newest bandswitch.

This would be something never before experienced on 6M.  I think it would be

Getting those people on 6M would be a matter of marketing the idea to them
as something really neat to do in a way which would overcome their anti-VHF
prejudice.  Also at play would be the fact that it would be many people's
first time, so what the heck?

Also, when was the last time, if ever, ANYbody made more than 15 QSOs on CW
on 6M?  I'd PAY to work 200 guys an hour on 6M just for how much fun THAT
would be.

So, I don't think you can fairly compare this to the June VHF Contest, or,
as the comment above suggests by using the term "another single band VHF
contest" (as if there are just too many already) I don't think it would
compare to the ARRL's 6M Spring Sprint.

Golly, can you imagine how cool it would be if we all agreed to get on 6M CW
for the ARRL's 6M Spring Sprint?  The regulars would be mad as hell but that
would be part of the fun, I think!

Sounds like a job for Dr. Bafoofnik.

Mark, N5OT

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