Fw: [CQ-Contest] CB QRM in 10m test (opposite)

Rex Maner k7qq at netzero.net
Thu Dec 18 04:20:29 EST 2003

Could be a bad RX on his end with some funny IF mixture that was bring ur CW
signal into his RX.
I did some math and came up with a 400 khz diff.   not the old standard of
455 khz.  Who knows what IF that some of the CB sets selected for their


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "BlakeM" <n4gi at tampabay.rr.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2029 02:22
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CB QRM in 10m test (opposite)

> I had exactly the opposite happen.  While CQing on 28.066 in the 10m test
> last weekend, I got an e-mail from a ham in Canada (rates were slow...) (a
> VE1) who said he had his CB on CH16 and could hear me calling there 479.
> think he said that 16 is around 27.155.  I took my handheld R-10 outside,
> and couldn't hear myself xmitting anything down there, .  I've got a 419
> filter in line before the amp (titan425 ~1.2kw).   He was using a long
> for an antenna.  Pretty strange, but we just let it pass as overload on
> end?  Any other ideas?
> I hate to be out there spewing crap, so if anyone has any comment on how I
> sounded, I'd appreciate a report-
> 73,
> Blake N4GI
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