[CQ-Contest] CB QRM in 10m test (opposite)

Chuck discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 18 07:44:25 EST 2003

I had illegal invaders on 10M. I just QSY'd to
Zero Beat their AM carrier and called CQ!

Amazing!! after about 2 -3 minutes they went QRT!

And they stayed off until I left!

Ahh, the joys of PROACTIVE Electronic

BTW.. according to the FCC it is NOT illegal to
operate atop an illegal station. They are not
legal so we can just operate atop them with
impunity as long as we're behaving in accordance
with OUR rules.  SO QRM..err.. OPERATE away!

The MORE we bug 'em.. the more they get the idea
that 10M is NOT a good place to operate!

remember! 'Illegals come in.. but they don't come
out!' HI.


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