[CQ-Contest] stew perry 14 hours question

Lew lew at teleport.com
Wed Dec 24 22:58:39 EST 2003

Igor Sokolov wrote:

> Can somebody explane please. Does maximum 14 hours of operation in Stew
> Perry mean just 14 hours in one go? Or brakes are allowed and the sum of
> hours of operation should not be more then 14 hours?

      Hi Igor,
    Breaks are allowed to take advantage of the sunrise/sunset times for 
your locality. When you add all the time up operating it should not be 
more than 14 hours total. If it adds up to more than 14 hours, then The 
Boring Amateur Radio Club, which sponsors this mighty contest, will 
consider you to be a lid, which  is a category we don't yet have a 
plaque for. I'm sure you're not a lid, Igor. Tnx for the question!
      73 and I remain,
      Lew  W7EW/W7AT
      The Boring Amateur Radio Club Rules and Plaque Committee

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