[CQ-Contest] Categorically Speaking...

Sylvan Katz jskatz at sk.sympatico.ca
Thu Feb 6 08:56:19 EST 2003

>  If it's below 24h I'd say this might work, but if it's over 24 hours I'm
>  really sure it would expand the activity. A lot of people working 30-35
>  hours would probably switch to 24 hours format.

I suspect that this might be a misleading idea and perhaps it needs to be
explored with actual data and not speculation. It would be a shame to draw a
hasty conclusion about an idea that might be just one of the many novel
ideas that could give contesting a boost. We need to test some of
alternatives before we dismiss them out of hand.

... Sylvan

ps - those that still want to work 30-35 hours and submit their logs to
sponsors with a 48 hour category can still do that -- nothing has changed
here. The only reason they won't is because they "prefer" to only work 24
hours and they like the new format. Surely contestant content is one of main
ingredients of a contest that encourages participation.

Sylvan Katz, VE5ZX
Saskatoon, SK

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