[CQ-Contest] sharp filters

Bob Patten n4bp at bellsouth.net
Mon Feb 24 07:07:01 EST 2003

Chuck Reville wrote:

>The question I have..  Does the group have a consensus as to feelings about
>not answering people who are 'a fair ways' outside zero beat so that they
>will be forced to better zerobeat you OR do you just answer 'em to get 'em
>worked and not worry about it?  It's not a real big deal to me, but I'm
>looking for other active contester's/operator's thoughts.
How do you know they are calling YOU???  With the practice of never 
sending the call of the station being called,
this is a key question to me.  I also will not answer a station calling 
off frequency - unless they either send my call or
seem to fall into rhythym with my CQ's.  Sometimes I'll simply ask, "Are 
you calling me?"  More often than not,
I'll hear them exchanging information after a couple of calls, obviously 
with someone else I'm not hearing...

73,     Bob Patten, N4BP                Plantation, FL

E-Mail: n4bp at arrl.net                   Website: http://www.qsl.net/n4bp
QRP ARCI #3412    SOC #1    ARS #799    Whiners #6   FISTS #7871

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