[CQ-Contest] NAQP name handicap experiment

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 15 12:50:26 EST 2003

IT does seem that you run into more than a few "Ed" in
each NAQP.  WOnder if they have found some sort of

73s John NE0P

--- K4RO Kirk Pickering <k4ro at k4ro.net> wrote:
> I can't help but wonder if an unusual name is a
> hinderance to the NAQP score, particularly in the
> SSB contest.  In the CW contest, it's not as much
> of an issue I suspect because 1) the name is spelled
> out with each QSO and 2) there are fewer casual
> QSOs.
> In the last August NAQP SSB, I repeated my name
> "Kirk" 
> about two hundred times, and it got really old,
> really 
> fast. So this weekend I am going to try an
> experiment.
> I'll use my shortened middle name, and see if I
> experience 
> fewer repeat requests.  Folks using some kind of
> exchange 
> database better be paying attention or they'll be
> dinged.
> Good luck to all this weekend..
> 73,
> "Bob" K4RO
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