[CQ-Contest] RE: NAQP name handicap experiment

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Wed Jan 15 17:06:13 EST 2003

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Hsu, Aaron wrote:

> So, the next time I worked NAQP SSB, I decided to switch names.  I'm
> generally one to follow the rules, so I tried to think up a variation of my
> name that would work, but there are no variations of "Aaron" (like Dick for
> Richard, Joe for Joseph, Bob for Robert, etc).  So, I ended up using my
> middle initials "TC".  Worked *much* better than Aaron, but some people
> expect to hear more than just "TC" and ask for it again.  Sheesh.

Hey ... "Top Cat" !!

> Oh well. when the time comes, I'll just have to give my children with easy,
> distinctive names in case they ever get the NAQP Contest bug.  <g>

George Foreman named ALL his sons George E. Foreman.  I just heard him say
on the radio that he did it with old age and memory loss in mind.  That
way he never forgets his sons' names.  :-)

73, Zack W9SZ

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