[CQ-Contest] Re: CQ-Contest Digest, Vol 1, Issue 3

TOMK5RC at aol.com TOMK5RC at aol.com
Sat Jan 25 11:09:39 EST 2003

In a message dated 1/25/03 4:03:17 AM Greenwich Standard Time, wn3vaw at fyi.net 

> Mike, I think you're right.  I seem to remember discussions of the "Octopus"
> with M/S operations in the early '70s (SS, ARRL DX & FD come to mind, tho
> I'm probably wrong on at least some of that) as a mechanical means to
> prevent more than one transmitter on the air at a time -- so that a
> multi-transmitter setup would stay TECHNICALLY M/S.  And it got banned
> relatively quickly after the word got around.  I even think some of the
> contest rules used to explicitly outlaw the "Octopus" type setups
> Correct. The term was first applied to me and K5LZO when we invented 
> mechanical interlocks in the 60's and were winning SS every year. Great 
> fun, pushing the envelope.
> Tom, K5RC

Tom Taormina, K5RC    
aka NV7A
Virginia City  NV

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