[CQ-Contest] Packet - THE solution

Richard L. King k5na at texas.net
Wed Jun 4 14:35:07 EDT 2003

At 22:00 6/2/03 -0400, AD1C wrote:
>At 03:11 PM 6/2/2003 -0400, ww3s at zoominternet.net wrote:
>>I may be wrong, but K3WW wins the assisted category just about every 
>>contest he enters yet he's never beat the unassisted guys, has he? I 
>>don't think the advantage is all its perceived to be. I think thats why 
>>Chas calls it "single op distracted"....
>I'm not sure if Charles has done it, but I believe Jeff K1ZM won the 
>assisted category once, beating all the unassisted single ops.

WB2Q also did this in the ARRL DX CW around 1990 (plus or minus) and set a 
scoring record for both assisted and single-op that held up through the 
sunspot minimum.

Using packet (assisted) doesn't mean you will always (absolutely) be beaten 
by the single-op purists. You just have to use packet smartly and be a good 
operator to win as assisted.

73, Richard

k5na at texas.net

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