[CQ-Contest] Callsign Advantages
Soro Roberto
roberto.soro at sia.it
Wed Mar 19 19:21:17 EST 2003
> ........snip.........
> On CW, avoid letters with the same symbol three-in-a-row, like:
> B (dah-dit-dit-dit)
> H (dit-dit-dit-dit)
> J (dit-dah-dah-dah)
> O (dah-dah-dah)
> S (dit-dit-dit)
> V (dit-dit-dit-dah)
> ...........snip.........
> Letters that work best are ones that alternate dits and dahs, usually
> ending in a dah, like A, C, K, N, R.
My 2 eurocent(hi).
There are callsign that wprk better and other not,
well its true, but the key is to be present,
or stay in the chair and operate:
during last RDXC, in a noisy 20M band, beaming USA,
I heard something familiar
-.- ....- -... .- crash static crash static crash
no doubt to me, and I didn't guessed,
K4BAI 5nn #
I was sure John was calling me there,
I know I call him every time I hear him,
within a contest or not,
and I do believe he does the same whenever he hears me,
that's all.
Thanks for the qso John,
cu next one.
Bob, I2WIJ
mailto:i2wij at qsl.net
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