[CQ-Contest] Re: [PVRC] FM Illegal on HF bands (fwd)

Dallas Carter ludal at dmv.com
Wed May 7 06:58:11 EDT 2003

> Cliff wrote:

>Looking on the ARRL web site at
> http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/regulations/bandplan.html
> the lowest frequency I see FM on is 29.6 MHz.  This is the band plan not
> but that implies not a good idea.

    The ARRL band plans do not list the sub bands and recommendations
for ALL modes.  You will note that they don't even show SSB for most
of the HF bands, just specific recommendations like SSTV, DX Window

    As for the 10 meter plan, the 29.6 that you cite is the recommended
calling frequency.  Repeater inputs and outputs, and probably Sat. downlinks
are also FM.

Dallas W3PP

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