[CQ-Contest] Self-spotting

Chuck k3ft at erols.com
Sat May 31 18:48:59 EDT 2003

Rick's point and Walt's post reference one item that we all have experience

The 'SHAME' factor is quite effective at helping people to avoid wanting to
try to stretch the rules, break em or whatever. The fact that they would
exposed, to their peers, for the nefarious, shady, 'interesting' and/or
unseemly activities would tend to inspire folks to take a bit of care in
what they do.

I'm not repeat NOT suggesting a wholesale 'enemies' list, 'scarlet letter
'P'/'S' (for selfspot, or spoofer) label. BUT if we can take K1TTT's efforts
and expand them in a reasonable effort, we can post an 'PACKET SPOTTERS
HONORS LIST' where the callsigns of the TOP posters would be shown if tied
into a specific station (like was shown for D88S for example which all came
from a common URL).

The nagging question this.. It MUST be done that the posting station calls
must be verified with the actual holders to confirm that they DID  post. If
it's a spoof, then you delete the callsign and replace it with SPOOF in it's
place. That saves honor of the person who was spoofed.

I don't know the answer.. but the SHAME factor tends to be powerful tool in
helping people remind themselves to behave.

Chuck K3FT

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