[CQ-Contest] Re: Quick responses to QSLs for contest QSOs

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Mon Nov 17 12:57:32 EST 2003

Not much, Henry.  Same if you find he is not in your log and you add the 
QSO before submission.  Not easy to do in SS with QSO numbers, but in 
CQWW, all you need to do is remove the nearest duplicate QSO on that 
band and add the guy who thought he worked you.  All very unethical, but 
impossible to prevent.

What makes your scenario not much of a problem is that not many people 
will take the time and expense to QSL all QSOs shortly after a contest.
And, even if someone did, many contesters will not respond or will not 
respond promptly.

Personally, I have responded daily to QSL requests for many years and 
have never thought it would be wise to wait until the log deadline has 
passed.  These days, those who QSL contest QSOs are seldom the big 
scorers.  In fact, I imagine that many don't submit a log at all, but 
were just operating to pick up a new state, county, grid square or the like.


John, K4BAI.

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