[CQ-Contest] "Please copy my number"

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Mon Nov 17 17:06:12 EST 2003

At 01:17 PM 11/17/03 -0500, Georgek5kg at aol.com wrote:

>I'd like to offer the following comments after having just finished SS Phone:
>1.)  How many times did we hear "please copy my number"?  I don't want to be
>too critical about anyone who uses this phrases, but I'd also like to say 
>extra wording tends to slow down the process.  It's not uncommon to hear
>"please copy my number" perfectly well, only to miss the number.  Had the 
>op not
>"used up" clear air space to say the words, perhaps the number would have 
>through instead.

I agree, but there is some utility when doing S&P in a null syllable or two 
before the content that counts, just to let the other guy know you're 
transmitting, and in case his T/R relay hangs a little. I frequently use 
"Thanks" or "QSL.
When you're running, it shouldn't matter, because you have sent his call 
before the number anyway.

>3.)  Saying serial numbers.  I find that saying numbers like 360 as "three
>hundred sixty" is confusing.  Upon hearing "three hundred" I tend to type 
>and key in "30".  When I hear the "sixty", I then have to back up and key in
>the "60".  Ok, this may be my awkwardness as an op, but I much prefer to hear
>the numbers are said individually.  360 said as "three six zero", for example.
>The same thing goes for the "teens", fifteen, sixteen, etc.  I'd much prefer
>to hear "one five",  "one six", etc.
>Leading "zeros".  I find it best if the ops do not try to add leading zeros
>unless, of course, if they pronounce the numbers individually, such as "zero
>one five".  For me, omitting any mention of the leading zeros is preferred.

I agree that leading zeros are a pain, but disagree on the voicing of 
numbers.  In marginal conditions, "thousand," "hundred," "-ty" and "-teen" 
often make the difference between my needing a fill and feeling confident 
enough to go on, because they give a "place value" to the numeral as well 
as a numerical value.  When asked to repeat a number I commonly do both -- 
"five-four, fifty-four" or "1 3 2 one hundred thirty two."  Here the 
redundancy and the place value interlock IMO.

You missed the most aggravating scenario, though, unnecessary redundancy 
during the exchange.  You're running, and a weak station answers, but 
you're hearing him well at the moment.  You give his call and the exchange, 
and listen.  He comes back "N4ZR November Four Zanzibar Romeo I QSL Thank 
you for your number three hundred forty two.  Please copy your number oops 
my number thirty three 3 3 alpha alpha Kilo Echo Seven Sierra Bravo Mexico 
(fictitious call) Kilo Echo Seven Sierra Bravo Mexico Check of 5 4 fifty 
four in Santa Clara Valley that's SCV."

Please, please, please, say it once quickly and let me ask for any fills I 

73, Pete N4ZR
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