[CQ-Contest] eQSL and LoTW

John Thompson jwt105 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 18 08:41:08 EST 2003

I was very excited when eQSL and LoTW came out. 
Unfortunately, there is resistance to the use of these
mediums by QSL managers and old-time DX'ers.  It was
very discouraging that ARRL could not join forces with
eQSL, and this analogy is somehat like the old CQ
Magazine/ QST lack of cooperation (do you remember
when the ARRL did NOT EVEN LIST CQWW as a contest in
its contest announcements?).
It is unfortunate that LoTW is so complicated and
confusing to use, this is probably a design flaw that
could be corrected with more modern programming.   The
ARRL is deluged by questions on how to get TQSL certs,
I am in favor of a much wider use of eQSL and LoTWW. 
This is progressive thinking.  
PARTICIPATE!!  The world is changing.
John K3MD

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