[CQ-Contest] SS, Contest behavior, peer group, fantastic skills, et al

K4SB k4sb at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 25 17:48:59 EST 2003

Personally, I hope this thread runs out soon.

But, just out of curiosity, I did a little data manipulation on the
FCC database.

First, only call classes of General or above were retained, and all
combinations of the call areas were used. ( should have programed it
for USA calls in PR and HI also, but forgot )

Then, I eliminated all Hawaii and PR calls not living in HI or PR. (
and you'd be amazed at the number of PR calls in Alaska. Poor fellows
must be freezing to death. )

That left 253 Hawaii calls, and 1059 PR calls left.

Now I know I worked 2 PRs in both the CW and SSB SS, and I think KH6ND
in HI in both.

Now undoubtedly, there were probably a few more HI calls on. 

But, what happened to the other 252 HI and the other 1057 PR amateurs.
If there is so little interest in SS from PR, and I think someone
mentioned this, why not eliminate the US possessions and just keep the
USA's 50 States and our VE buddies?

Also, let's consider doing away with EPA. That was my 78th and last
section in the SSB.


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