[CQ-Contest] Contest behavior, peer group, SS

Alan C. Zack k7acz at cox.net
Thu Nov 27 13:17:20 EST 2003

I observe some people will still act as Jerks.  Last year at Visalia
one 6'er from the NCCC jumped the line at the DXCC checking payment
desk in front of me and a couple of others and I told him, excuse me
there is a line here.  His reply was that he has known the guy taking
the money for a long time, as if that was any excuse to jump the
line.  Since this guy was a good friend of the person taking the money
he was allowed to jump the line over the protests of 3 of us who had
been in line waiting our turn.  These are the guys who would have no
qualms calling the DX out of turn or tail ending and covering up the
DX before you got your signal report from him when it is your turn. 

"Scott R." wrote:
> >Though I've mocked it perhaps, or questioned it, I have no doubt of
> >the importance of the "off-season" or between-contests "politics."  If
> >you act like a jerk to the 99% of the "regular guys" when you see them
> >at Dayton, they may not go out of their way to make sure they give you
> >a QSO next year.  They probably won't forget how you treated them and
> >may even exercise their prerogative to not give you a QSO next time.
> Actually, I've always felt people are generally on good behavior at
> Dayton - civil conversations can be had even with people I don't
> particularly like (or don't like me, as a turnabout - no illusions...)
> The "off-season" and "contest politics" are important if you feel that
> one of the things that is necessary for contest success is the
> admiration of the peer group.  There are at least a couple of people
> (not you, Rich) that I can think of who have exhibited bad behavior
> during contests repeatedly, are obnoxious in real life, but post
> consistently good scores.  Are they successful?  Yes.  Do other
> contesters tend to discount their contest abilities because of bad
> behavior?  Also yes.
> Which leads me to what set this off - watching K1TO's Contest Hall of
> Fame induction at Dayton this past year.  It struck me that no matter
> how good of an operator you are, no matter what you have achieved in
> the hobby, if anyone has managed to piss people off along the way it's
> unlikely they will receive the peer recognition that may be deserved.
> Watching the procession of people on and off the dias talking about
> having known 'TO since they were teenagers, all the help he had given
> to others in the hobby in the NE and Florida, getting K1ZA licensed,
> and the string of contest scores and WRTC wins - the contest scores and
> WRTC wins alone are not going to get peer recognition for a lifetime
> honor like the Contest Hall of Fame.
> Rich, now that you've won High Power repeatedly from Puerto Rico,
> wouldn't it be time to move on to another challenge?  (Warning -
> Blowing Own Horn Follows):  After winning the QRP category in SS CW for
> the second time in a row in '99, I started thinking about doing
> something different.  Low Power?  Multi-op?  But then I wanted to see
> if I could do it a third time, and then a fourth - and I really didn't
> even want to bother either the third or fourth time.  I did it anyway,
> but finally after '01 said, OK, enough already.
> Rich, if you're returning to Puerto Rico for SS in 2004, why not go low
> power or QRP and try to win both modes in one of those categories?
> I doubt seriously that the QRP category has any special advantages from
> the Caribbean for SS.
> Scott W4PA
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                                     Alan Zack
                     Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
                         Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
          Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
  Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
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