[CQ-Contest] An Interesting new Bandmap for Writelog users...

Gerry Hull windev at inetmarket.com
Thu Nov 27 10:28:16 EST 2003

Hello Folks,

I have a piece of free software available for download.   It is a bandmap for
Writelog, which displays spots directly on a world map, with superimposed
greyline and/or propagation and/or zone information.   The software glues
together W5XD's Writelog and VE3NEA's DXAtlas.   

Please go to the site and you'll see what I mean.

The software is in beta -- their may be minor bugs.   It's great if you have
a second monitor.

More info, a picure and download available at

Please send your feedback to gerry at w1ve.com

73 es cu from K1IR in CQWW this weekend!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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