[CQ-Contest] 15m Broadcast QRN

Jyrki Nieminen jyrki.nieminen at hamradio.fi
Tue Oct 7 18:19:32 EDT 2003

The same cruddy noise  was  heard also here in Finland on late 
Saturday evening on 21 MHz. (S-level 3 - 4).  
First thought it was a 7 MHz BC- harmonic but later
noticed it originating from the 21555 kHz BC-station.

73 Jyrki / OH6CS  (@OH6AC)

"Robert Pack (NX5M)" <nx5m at txcyber.com>
wrote :

> I dialed around 15m for a few minutes today to work some of the CA guys.
> Many places across the band I was getting some cruddy noise which I
figured was a broadcast station with a runny nose.  I finally was able to
find the frequency of the broadcast causing the qrm on 21555.
> The signal would disappear for a few seconds, then an s7 carrier would
appear and within a few seconds the music would begin to play while the s-
meter went to s9+40.  After a minute or so the transmission would stop and
then recycle as explained above."

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