[CQ-Contest] Question about CQWW rules

Guido Tedeschi guido.ted at tin.it
Wed Oct 22 01:53:25 EDT 2003

I received this email from Doug, of contest committee, I think that it is
clear enough ;-)
Thanks to Doug and to all the people that answered
This thing is important, because we can introduce some new OM's to
contesting from our M/S station, and they can also contact many new
countries from home...
"See you" next weekend with IU2X callsign
Thanks to all and 73
Guido, ik2bcp / iu2r / ab9dg

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL" <kr2q at optonline.net>
To: <guido.ted at tin.it>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 2:59 PM
Subject: CQWW

> Guido:
> Yes, it is 100% okay.  You can even submit a "real" log (does not have to
> check-log only) from your home qth.
> de Doug KR2Q
> CQWW Contest Committee
> PS...
> In the future, you may address your questions to:

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