[CQ-Contest] Question about CQWW rules

Mike Gilmer - N2MG n2mg at contesting.com
Wed Oct 22 06:03:34 EDT 2003

Why is maintaining the "sense" of this thread so 

Here is what I was trying to say, in direct response to
the original thread...

If N2MG operates at KC1XX M/M during 2003 CQWW SSB,
N2MG cannot, using his own call (N2MG), work stations
from KC1XX during 2003 CQWW SSB.

N2MG can go home (this was the thread guys!) during the
CQWW SSB and use the call N2MG and work stations, and
turn in a log and have it count as a real log.

For anyone who read more into my post, I apologize for
being so damned unclear.

Mike N2MG

> K4SB <k4sb at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Mike Gilmer wrote:
> > Certainly the rule DISALLOWS a visiting operator 
> > from using his own call at a multi-op. Sorry guys, 
> > no DXing with the host's equipment! But this was
> > NOT the original question.
> > Mike N2MG

> -----------
> Nope, not true for ARRL contests. An operator 
> doesn't even have to be present at the MM (or SO, 
> or whatever) for his call to be used. Furthermore, 
> and this is a directly from ARRL, any stations 
> worked by a crew may be claimed for credit toward 
> any ARRL award by the holder of the call used, and 
> since by definition, QSL submittal is regarded as 
> sufficient proof of contact, would apply to CQ 
> contests also.

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