[CQ-Contest] Aren't M/Ms annoying?

Tom Horton k5iid at ntelos.net
Tue Oct 28 01:21:31 EST 2003

At 17:19 10/27/03, ku8e at bellsouth.net wrote:
>These guys have spend time and $$ to competitive enough to fight it out 
>for these prime freguencies so they deserve them...

  Really ?  Deserve? Gosh, I hope that money is not REAL factor of
who gets to operate on which frequencies. I would hope
that everyone has the same opportunity.
  Frankly, I don't care wher the "guns" are, cause I can't
compete with them anyway. So if they are all down there,
  that leaves me the rest of the band, sort of.
  Regarding band edges, (no I will not name them) I often
tell stations when I hear them out side the band edges, and
don't think one of them has ever moved away yet.
  If you are on "the" band edge frequency, you will be out
of the band according the the regs. No matter what sideband
you are on

73, Tom K5IID

"E"  Sorter for the ARRL W5 QSL Bureau
Williamstown, WV

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