[CQ-Contest] unique contacts and logging errors

jukka.klemola at nokia.com jukka.klemola at nokia.com
Thu Sep 11 00:59:33 EDT 2003


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext mike l dormann [mailto:w7dra at juno.com]
> Sent: 01 September, 2003 15:06
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] unique contacts and logging errors
> 1) unique contacts
> i find throwing out unique contacts not a good thing, I'm 
> sure all of us
> hard core contest types have done an Oceania dx contest as 
> 3D2/W7DRA or
> some other dx venture and found guys coming out of the woodwork to
> contact us

Justified throwing out is OK.
There are grey and nearly black decisions regarding determining
QSO that is kind-of unique to bad call.

I have suffered injustice in my last CQWW effort so a QSO
was a mult and it was removed from my log.
I contacted the mult and he confirmed the QSO and said he
had not sent in his log and he had worked only few QSOs.

There has been cases where a station has been 'convicted'
a unique to many logs for some odd reason.
Last year WW CW one OH had worked over 100 QSOs and was -B
in many logs.

This individual did not send in his log.

I gave a tip of the month on my last Finnish Radioamatoori
magazine's "contesters' corner" saying if you operate in a contest
and value your points you have given in the contest, always send
in your log.

That is all I have to advise on this subject.

Log checkers are doing great job and they are doing their work
The greyline exists also in this and there are cases that
are on the dark side as well as clear ones.


> do not allow pencils, only ball paint pens for 
> logging, and
> all logs to be in Latin.

If we went to that direction, quills should be mandatory.

Jukka OH6LI

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