[CQ-Contest] unique contacts and logging errors

Derek Wills oo7 at pan.as.utexas.edu
Thu Sep 11 18:35:22 EDT 2003

        >There have been other contests where I worked only two or three 
        >stations. I'm sure others have done this also.
        >73, Zack W9SZ

	>>In this situation wouldn't the polite thing to do be sending 
        >>in a check log? I have done this in the past.

For working a handful of stations?  Those of us OFs who log with
paper and pencil then have to figure out the format that the contest
organizers want, where to send it, by when, all that stuff.  No way!

As I think others have suggested, it would seem sensible only to
worry about the stations that seem to have an unusual fraction of
Uniques, and check out a representative sample of those Qs.

Does it count as a Unique if you are in the log on several bands?
I always make it a point of honor to work HC8N on 6 bands in a
contest if possible.   If that's all I do, do they lose some large
number of points?

Derek aa5bt

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