[CQ-Contest] Strange DX-Spots in WAE SSB ..

Oliver Bock dj9ao at gmx.net
Tue Sep 16 17:17:14 EDT 2003


On 16 Sep 2003, at 13:16, Tonno Vahk wrote:

> If not then he is obviously allowed to selfspot as much as he 
wants to
> generate bigger pilups that he is after. And we actually should not
> point finger on those spotters who use their own call for spotting
> before we know if they send log or not.

I think you missed Fab's point in his post. The people he 
mentioned used faked callsigns to conceal their identity. 
You say, we should be careful at whom to point our finger. I say, it 
is right to let them know, that bogus or pirated calls can be traced 
and that conclusions can be drawn from that.

73,  Oliver  DJ9AO

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