[CQ-Contest] Strange DX-Spots in WAE SSB ..

IK0YVV ik0yvv at libero.it
Tue Sep 16 20:43:14 EDT 2003

Hi Guys,
Being a regular "assisted" in quiete all contests i can say the "selfspot"
is unluckly, very popular ! Being 48hrs or so looking on the cluster you
start to taste what spot are "real" one or just "friend-spot" (not to say
selfspot).The IARU contest is the real show of self spot due to the presence
of HQ station usually the operators there use their own call to spot the
station they are driving ! If you look in the DX-Summit database you can
find a lot of "easy-to-understand" self spot in all contests.Unluckly it's
very difficult to prove one spot is a certain self spot or a real spot so i
think it's not so easy to take away from the final score a station ,but the
whole contest comunity has to know who is doing "selfspotting" ,so i
appreciate very much the "brave" Fab who start to write some names ..... i
think it's the only way to discourage them to do it again.I'd like to spend
some words about another attitudine which is back after several years that
it seemd has gone : use more then 100w and qualified as low-power.......
low-power means 100w or less not 1Kw or less.I've had the possibility to
fight in some pile-ups during last contests with station who had easy life
there , worked the mult before the so called big-gun ,had a PA sig (even
with a long daley time before the PA start !!! ) and then i found thme as
low power !! Of course talking about power in a contest is always difficult
to do ,but please guys don't think the others are so blind not to see you're
not low-power!
Just to finish i'd like to thank the many US spotted me , it's always a big
trill to have your rate going up for a GOODspot!
73s and CIAO
See u sn!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Zack Widup" <w9sz at prairienet.org>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Strange DX-Spots in WAE SSB ..

> On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Tonno Vahk wrote:
> >
> > If a station does not submit log but still makes a lot of QSOs in
> > does it constitute participation or not?
> >
> IMO a person who does this is participating in the contest but is not
> participting in the competition.  You can't DQ someone who doesn't send in
> a log.
> > If not then he is obviously allowed to selfspot as much as he wants to
> > generate bigger pilups that he is after. And we actually should not
> > finger on those spotters who use their own call for spotting before we
> > if they send log or not.
> >
> He is not being "allowed" to self-spot; it's more a matter of what can you
> do about it?  Ban him from future competitions?  You can't even stop him
> from participating in future contests if he never sends in a log.
> 73, Zack W9SZ
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