[CQ-Contest] LoTW Usage - Will you use it???

Bruce Sawyer n6nt at arrl.net
Sat Sep 27 17:14:44 EDT 2003

I would if I could, but since I can't I won't!  In the first place, the ARRL
wants a mailed copy of my license before they will issue me a certificate.
I can't mail that until I get back to Little Cayman in another couple of
weeks, but even then it won't do me any good.  Once you sign the file it
becomes so enormous (I have 143,829 QSOs in the log at the moment) that it
would require me many hours to upload the file via a dial-in connection.
And since I have to pay by the hour while I'm on Little Cayman, that's way
more than I'm willing to spend.  So it will probably be next summer before I
can upload the file, the next time I come back to CA.  I would be perfectly
willing to upload a zipped ADIF file, but the signed file is a monster.
That's the result of applying DSS to every single record in the file.

Bruce, ZF2NT

On 26 Sep 2003 Dennis Ponsness wrote:

> Now that LoTW is up and running, I have a question for the "big guns" as
> well as the rest of us <grin>...   Will you be uploading your contest logs
> to LoTW in addition to the regular contest robot?  Myself, I will be
> uploading to LoTW on a regular basis (probably after each 'test).  Also,
> will you "big guns" be uploading past logs as well?  Hey, the ARRL set up
> pretty neat system for us to use and it would be a shame not to use it!

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