[CQ-Contest] acceptance because life ain't fair..

K3FT k3ft at starpower.net
Mon Apr 5 13:25:46 EDT 2004

Teemu SMØWKA wrote

"...This whole debate is just about jealousy, "....."This is a simple
equation you have to learn taking your license, And if someone would be able
to run 100 KW I would not mind either, I just shake my head and hope the guy
stays alive, boy if something went wrong with that final he would blow out
of his chair."......"Anyway, guys, let people do what they wan't you can not
always be equal to everybody, build your own station, have fun in the

K3FT replied..This makes me marvel in amazement at the situation ethics
I'd like to ask a question with a desire to understand something, please.
Based on what your summary statement says, people should be able to do what
they want because we can't be equal to others.  I believe that is what
youare saying with your summary statement.

Let me offer the following scenario.

You are entering competitive auto racing. You enter a class where there are
upper defined limits on engine size (cubic inches/centimeters). The contest
sponsors DON'T check engine size, they just operate on the honor system.
YOU want to compete, for honors and awards and a shot at the top (or top
ten) slot.

However, the guy next to you has more money so he builds a larger engine
which is 3, 4, 5, or 10 times larger than the authorized upper limit.  He
races and  blows your doors off, every time.

No matter HOW hard you try.. no matter how hard you work at tuning,
adjusting, maintaining your car within the rules - because YOU want your win
to mean something - you get beat.

Now.. acording to your summary statement, you will NOT complain or make any
squawks about it because as you stated "let people do what they wan't you
can not always be equal to everybody, build your own (car) station, have fun
in the (race) contests,"

Let me ask you.. would YOU feel cheated? Would you feel as if you were
playing on a field that was tilted towards the cheater? Would YOU value HIM
and HIS win with any degree of respect or worth?  Would you become upset,
disillusioned, and begin to wonder 'Why bothrer? The cheaters will win and
I'll never be able to achieve a goal which WOULD be acheiveable if people
played by the rules."

I believe you would quickly lose interest and become quite negative about
the cheater, the organizatoin that permits it, and those who condone it.

Also, would you (taking it back to the contest environment) report someone
who you KNEW was violating the power limitations or would you simply wash
your hands of the problem because it's not something you care about?

Let's take it to the college/work environment.

How would you feel, as a college student/employee if someone next to you
(because they have more money, connections, or th elike) were able to cheat
and get a better grade (maybe honor society instead of you when you earned
it) or that promotion at work?

FASCINATING.. my how things have changed! (and not necessarily for the


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