Alexander Teimurazov
at at at-communication.com
Tue Apr 6 13:46:58 EDT 2004
Dear Yuri,
Im not talking now about power limit in Italy Im talking about rules in the
You know no one of big contesters in Italy and Russia using 300w
Ok I think its up to them today they are not care about that because nobody
is check and I can tell you in Russia they are try to change that but its
very difficult because not only amateurs but also militaries and broadcast
cant use more then 200watt or even less in cities
You can say ok they are can moove to villages Ok then lets stop all contest
and run WRTC
> Power limit for Italy at that time was 300W. You do not need 3 phase 380V
> service to run 300W. If the country limit is 300W, unless one has a
permission to
> use higher power, then one should not exceed that. He signs the
> that obeys all the country and contest rules. RULES are RULES.
We can push that last point that they are not follow up own country
rules but I dont think thats our business to tell Italian amateurs or
goverment what they are have to do Dont forget that they are independent
country and its their decision
I can tell you we have license in 4L to use kw and if I will like I can
change on the time when I do that with PTT to make license for 100 kwt
because I can do that and its it in other country people cant do it and its
> For those we have now low power category, they can compete in that.
> get your country government to change the rules. Back in OK land in my
> there, few well behaved contesters were granted special permission to run
> When I went to Bahamas as C6AYB for CQ 160 CW and power limit there is
250W I
> ran in LP category, underpowered with IC706 100W. It felt good beating
> record only to find that you beat me, and for that congratulations!
Thank you very much for congratulations
You do very well really just D4 location is much better then C6 everyone
understand that
One time
> VP2M had no power limit, you can take a pick what suits you. But if they
> rules, then we should play by them.
> That makes BIG difference. Little bigger amplifier for the contester is
> when driven within the limits, it will produce clean signal and will last
> longer with perpetual CQing. We are not that much concerned with people
> the Alpha or ACOM, but those who exceed their power by 5, 10 or more
> That is unfair advantage, violation of rules and unsportsmanship conduct.
Yuri I like you to understand my position its simple its not make
diffirence how much you run if its more then 1500 watt even if its 1501 watt
its allready against the rules and thats clear
About people running 5 or 10 time more power I tell you again I dont see
big advantage of that because that give them maximum 10 db gain that might
help if you using similar ants on similar location but you know we have
Clear example I order and pay money to make calculation how my ants work in
my location
Example my antenna on 20m if I will follow that calculation on 20m have
16-18 dbi more gain on the very low angle to US direction and about 14 dbi
to Europe direction comparing to similar antenna on same hight on flat area
How much power you need to beat my antenna if Im running 1,5 kw?
On 80m I will put 2 el antenna 20m over the ground that will have 10dbi
gain and on the flat area 0
I have well 5 dbi gain when its just 10m over the ground (According to that
calculation) What you have to do then you have to change location or put
I think generators in D4 will be not able to handle that power
How much power I need to get bigger signal then you do in US from C6? Do
you think I can do that with power?
> According to rules, calls for disqualification. In some case I believe CQ
CC has
> quietly barred few contesters from participating in the next year or two
> reclassified their logs as check logs.
I never see CQ CC disqalify some one because he use high power and I
think reason of that is simple most of the people in contest is against the
rules someone more someone less
That limit is just tell people to dont run too much and is it but many
people see that everyone against that and use big amplifiers
Even in LP category you know you need to measure your power all the time
even when you change the frequancy and believe me you dont have allways 100w
even if your trcvr say 100 w output
> When I started in OK land, we were restricted to 10W on 160 and 80 m. That
> was the best school of ham radio (besides being SWL) and we then
> through to 200W and kW. If your license and country allows you to run say
> then there is LP category in the contests. If we were caught running kW
> of 10W limit, we would quickly lose our license. We had inspectors among
> hams and they could smell the "samovar" and took the action.
I think SWL is best school I agree with you on that
I was SWL many years and listen lot and have more then 300 countries
confirm like SWL and I parcipicate in many contest like SWL
About power you know all people are different not so many novices specially
is they are with out swl backround can use 10w to even make one contact and
I think thats real wrong before when novices get most difficult bands with
low power license
Its much better to give them chance to be on 10m and because that wrong in
many countries in Eastern block people is start use high power and against
the rules
Im quite happy that I have SWL backround and I get first category when I
get license because I dont have room to put 160 or 80m antenna in my house
Same situation you know in former USSR that if someone find that you using
more power you can loose your license but even inspectors understand that
you need to compete in the contests
> On your own you can run up to 8 stations a minute, how many packet served
> QSOs can you run? Looking at the results in unassisted vs. assisted
> looks like without packet most stations do better.
I agree with you on that but you know still some people using packet I know
and you can see that also in analyze David K1TTT do
If someone make self spotting in contest with different call signs and he
is not in assisted category thats funny because you know he using clasters
for sure
> >>In Eu and US situation is different
> Alberto IV3TAN result in CQ WW SSB on 160m is outstanding He do very well
> Many people tell me that he have big power but he hear very well also
> We know many people running big power but dont hear anything<<
> I know how he was running, he sat whole contest on 1830, calling CQ all
> time, blasted the "clear channel" with his extremely strong signal (300W
> single vertical?) and then using simple beverages, he can "hear well" on a
> frequency.
You know that can happen with anyone many sinle band operator
specially on the low band trying to run best frequancy all the time and its
normal they are have advantage I cant tell him you are single bander and go
and use not such a good freq
I was not very active on that time when Alberto is setup that record but I
listen for his operation with small receiver and wire antenna
He is allways loud even before the sunset but what is more magnificatnt he
hear very well much better then people located much close to Georgia with
beverages etc
I can tell you he even hear station from the east that I dont hear and
thats mean he have fantastic receiption
Another things is IG9 is one of the best location WW for low bands he can
run 48 hours on 160m and its no chance to do anything like that in D4 even
if I will put 100 el antenna toward Eu or US
To US even with my ants I think I can do better but to Europe no chance
If you following result of last CQ WW contests there is great OH2U team, I
think they are operating from Matti OH2BH location in EA8, make great result
in CQ WW on 160m I think they are make 100 countries and its great
On the same time I can tell you EA8 is not such good location for 160m or
80m like IG9
>Besides that, he had "assistant" who was running around the band
> and "feeding" him multipliers. I heard them talking at 2 pm in VE1, I
> little Italian.
First time I hear about that
> So here is the Italian recipe for world record on 160: Get 30kW BC amp,
> single vertical, few Beverages and multiplier friend chaser. Park on 1830.
You will
> be so strong that you will blast wide channel clear and everybody
> will come to you. If not, the 2nd OP will tell the multiplier to go and
> you. Simple, Eh?
I dont think its such simple to make that result even if some one will
give me 100 kwt tx and vertical and beverages and position in IG9 and will
tell me I do all of that and you have to go and break IV3TAN record for sure
I will say I dont think I will be able to do that because its outstanding
score and if someone will beat that that will be great
You know Alberto is GREAT OPERATOR
You know we have been in direct competation in WPX SSB last year and I can
tell you its very difficult to win when you have Alberto like competitor
He is powerfull guy understand contesting very well,understand propogation
antennas and tactics as well
I was just lucky I win .......
I dont think Alberto using 30kw PA even if he do that I dont think that can
make difference
Most of the info about Italian and Finland PAs I see is on the level on
Henry 8K Classic
You know there is enough hams in USA using that amplifiers
> >>I try LP in 160m and I know how its looks even with very effective ants
> 160m when ever second day Im calling stations during 4 hours before
> answer me hi
> Alberto hear anything
> Then if power is case then all old records setted on the time when its not
> power limit have to be deleted and we have to start history again
> I dont think there is lot of things we can do about power<<
> Oh, we can do plenty. I brought this outrageous behavior on the reflector
> I also said that if I hear signal like that from 300W and single vertical,
> will get on the plane (or send my friend Tony) and pay a visit to the
> I want to know how you can get signal 40 dB louder than anybody else from
> single vertical. I spent 40 years in search of that and have not
To be 40db louder then others 30 kw dont help you need MWTS!!!!!
Only antenna can do that and thats part of the game
> >>In former USSR and lot of trys to fix that even sending inspections to
> contest stations and what change nothing
> Some station they are visit is loose license and thats it and other still
> use big power<<>
> Few complaints and few inspections especially to those who we know or
> of cheating would do a lot. I believe that Alberto since that "famous"
> operation has came down and does not produce such humongous signal any
more. Did our
> bitching helped?
I know Alberto last years was not so active on the low bands but who
knows propably he will comeback one of this years and will break his own
world record
I hope then people will dont say that he is allways against the rules
My opinion about that you can see above
>Looks like it did. I hope he also feels better now if he
> achieves nice score within the rules.
I dont think Alberto will agree that he is against the rules more then
> >>I think there is another quite important issues
> One of the most important is how to get in our hobby new generation of the
> contesters<<
> You don't bring them in by letting them know that contest rules are joke,
> "everybody" is cheating.
I think Yuri we are too old for that Lets ask new generation I know few
very active young contesters like CT1ILT,4L6AM from DX locations and many
from US what is most important for them
> Unfortunately the CB culture is creeping in with
> them cheap licenses now, it is up to us to set them straight when we see
the bad
> behavior or rules violations.
I dont have anything wrong with CB many of them are good operator and many
of them are radioamateur and they are doing what they are want and thats
also hobby
There might be somethings wrong but we have wrong things in amateur radio
I like whenever people have a hobby and I will be happy if some CBers will
join amateur radio family
> >>I think its quite bad that we have to wait for results of the contest 1
> Why ? I dont understand that .....<<
> The rest is whole another bunch of subjects and many reasons why things
> this or that.
> I initiated Tesla Cup contest, trying to address some deficiencies we are
> experiencing with contest rules and fairness. Offered it to ARRL and CQ to
> godfathers and cosponsor it. "Not interested" Did contesting community
> it up? Nope. It has been out there for 4 years. It answers almost all of
> concerns. See it for yourself at
> http://www.k3bu.us/tesla_cup.htm
> Will you join it? What about others? Can we make it more fair? We are open
> for suggestions.
Thank you very much for information
Yuri you know you proposing new contest and I dont see in that one much
more difference then another contest Sorry but Im telling you what I think
Im talking about making existing contests better now because its our
contests anyway we can make many new contests and compete with eact other do
you think that will be right way
Ok you say you offer ARRL and CQ to become cosponsor of the contest
Why do they are need to do that ?
If I will be on their place I will think and I dont think I will have
interest because they are looking for sponsors for own contest
Do you like CQ WW and ARRL personnally your self ?
If you dont like it then propably its ok and you can make new contest and
compete with them but if you like it why not become cosponsor of ARRL and CQ
I hear from many people that O our hobby is go wrong way and American do
what ever they are wish
When I start my contesting I receive lot of e-mail from well known
contesters saying that I dont have a chance
If for example I setrecord in WPX they are say no chance Americans will
reduce your point how much they are need
That never happen and Im in contact with contest directors and I can tell
never if I ask something I dont get answer
Of course Im not agree on everything but on the same time its no chance
that CQ or ARRL CC can be good for everyone
Good for everyone is prostitute only
I like things to be change and to have our hobby better
Im offering my sponsorship to CQ if they are will change for example time
of changing time of publishing result from 1 year to 6 month Im interesting
with that and ready to even give a grant for that alone or with my friends
I dont like situation with trophies and awards and Im ready to cooporate on
that point and do what ever I can
I see that many dx foundation is sponsoring dxpeditions and I think contest
committee propably might sponsor also some contest expedition what you
Im ready to do that
I organize ATCC club and Nodir EY8MM is working on that now and I hope we
will be able to do something but I dont think that will be another contest
Its possible to make contest and sponsor expedition for that contest make
lot of trophies and etc but Why we need to do that
Lest cooporate and not fight
I see that most contesters is really not care about power in HP category or
atleast not put that subject to highest priority
What you will do if you will have possibility to become cosponsor of CQ WW
you will spend money on trophies and certificates and expeditions or on the
point to send inspectors ?
I think everyone is know who is doing wrong things in the contest and sorry
but quite often some people complaining here about one subject or another
not following rules atall but they are known
If you against rules I dont think you can satisfy with that
I speak with friend of mine from one contest country he tell me that he
have guy from one of the European country do M/S and then claim like SOAB
I dont know if that guy get satisfy I will personnally not
Propably people can say that D4B have 100 operators Im not care because I
know Im true
I dont like whenever we have rules to against bad people and thats make
problem with normal people
I can tell I have allmost everything confirm for DXCC but I never send
application for DXCC award with very simple reason I dont like to send qsl
to check
That was difficult in former USSR but reason is not that
DXCC is choice own way how to do the things and thats game rules and I can
accept that or not
Im not accepting that because I dont like to look my self like people who
dont work country and trying to confirm I do
You know there is many way of doing bad things if you like to do
Its plenty of the blank qsl I remember before I have blank qsls from more
then 200 countries do you think its the way I use them I dont need that
because that will not give me any fun and same if I will ask someone to send
me qsl if we dont have contact
On the same time DXCC programm is GREAT and I like to give thank to all
people who is working on that and doing really great job and thats put out
hobby on the much higher level
I recognize DXCC I dont like somethings but if tmw there will be question
what I will do support DXCC or make my own programm I will support DXCC!!!!
I think thats very clear position
We have to accept that MOST AMATEURS ARE DOING EVERYTHING WELL and only
some making wrong things
Why when we creating rules we allways care about those amateurs
12. Disqualification: Violation of amateur radio regulations in the country
of the contestant, or the rules of the contest, unsportsmanlike conduct,
exceeding power limit of selected power category will be deemed sufficient
cause for disqualification. The use of any non amateur means such as
telephones, telegrams, internet, or the use of packet (selfspotting) to
solicit contacts during the contest is unsportsmanlike and the entry is
subject to disqualification. Actions and decisions of the TC Contest
Committee are official and final.
Thats point in your rules is not made for real amateurs and Im not happy
when I read that !!!!!
I like to say again David K1TTT you do the great work and all information
you send its very helpfull even if CC not make any action
73 Al 4L5A/D4B
> >>I hear lot of rumors about CN8WW that they are using high power
> Fellows look on their score Do you think its just high power<<
> I see the pictures of amps in CN8WW setups, but never in Italian African
> operations.
I see the stories about IG9 and see some photos I dont find there
something unusual
I think if you like to see something you can ask our friends from IG9 or
IH9 and Im sure they are will be happy to distribute you that if they are
got something
Many people ask me for photos of D4B shack I have difficulties on that
because I dont have much time thats one point and another Im not interesting
with pictures atall and if I get any of them its EY8MM and D44AC work and
I think I will get some soon because I ask Carlos to do that
If you like to see any amplifiers BIG BIG BIG ONE
I will order photo of one of Russian Broadcast Station amplifier and then
Carlos will try to make room bigger to put that PA inside the photo with
Photoshop or something like that hi
Thank you to everyone for work me in the contest
Im not care how much power you using 5w or 6 w,100w or 110 w,1,5 kw or 1,6
kw or 10,5 kwt most important is that you on and you have to look on your
face time to time and be sure that you doing right things
73 Al 4L5A/D4B
PS Sorry for my English again
> >>I like to give my BIG THANKS to David K1TTT for his outstanding job<
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