[CQ-Contest] Re-sstv interfering with ssb contests

John Walker g4ssw at walkerjr.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Aug 1 14:15:52 EDT 2004

Well I dont know if anyone will read this anyway
but i would like comment on the problum of sstv/ssb contests over here in the uk.
I love worling contests and sstv so i have seen this from both sides of the fence so to speak , but working in
a contest weather it be ssb at home or with my local club i avoid the sstv freq on 14.230 and anyway if you
cannot hear the station replying your just wasting operating time.
When in sstv mode the ssb stations even operating a contest do not both me as they represent a couple of
missing lines on the picture...., i would suggest that the sstv calling freqs are to prevent sstv from interfering
with ssb operators not the other way round and if they were to roam the bands with sstv at 400w and a huge ant                             it would be the ssb and other modes that would suffer most.
As for not answering calls "is the freq in use" many sstv ops do not have mike ability in data mode,my FT847 does.
but they are busy taking a rx picture and if you go to tx you loss the sync totally.

Well thats my view and may i say this site makes intresting reading
73 fer now and thanks;


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