[CQ-Contest] NAQP station available

Bruce Sawyer N6NT at ispwest.com
Wed Aug 11 00:45:38 EDT 2004

>Good morning.  A last minute change makes N5OT available for the NAQP if
>there is anyone out there who is burning to operate NAQP bud doesn't have a
>N5OT is fully prepared on all bands for a serious SO2R assault.  I'd love
>get the smoketest even if I can't do it myself.  Please inquire privately
>mark at nevus.org or call my cell 918 440-6123.
>The station is located in northeast Oklahoma, 3 hours from Kansas City, 5
.hours from DFW and one hour from Tulsa.
>Mark, N5OT

But this station offers neither the "West Coast Advantage" nor is able to
exploit the "Caribbean Loophole".  How could one possibly do any good from
such a locale?


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