[CQ-Contest] FW: Station manual

Robert Brandon rbrandon at austin.ibm.com
Mon Aug 16 11:20:06 EDT 2004

I keep a Microsoft Word document with information about the W5KFT station.
It's really designed for guest ops, but there's a lot of technical notes
sprinkled throughout.

I also keep a file cabinet for manuals.  I keep notes like SWR curves,
modeling plots and the like in the folder with each antenna.

I also keep an Excel spreadsheet with an equipment inventory to help keep
repair history.

If you'd like a copy, drop me a note.  Kirk, I tried to send it by private
e-mail, but your spam blocker bounced it.

Robert K5PI

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Brandon [mailto:rbrandon at austin.ibm.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 10:12 AM
To: 'K4RO Kirk Pickering'
Subject: Station manual

I sent you a copy of the W5KFT station manual, but my message got bounced as
spam.  If this message gets through your filter, let me know if you're
interested in the manual and whether you have an alternate address or

Robert K5PI

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