[CQ-Contest] Line Scores

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Fri Dec 3 10:31:35 EST 2004

On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 05:23:55PM +0300, Alexander Teimurazov wrote:
>       Hi Ken,
>  That will be great if NCJ will publish ARRL contest results
>  That will make contest more popular for sure

Perhaps you've misunderstood.

Even though the ARRL publishes the NCJ, the ARRL does not determine the 
content ofthe NCJ.  The editor of QST is not the editor of the NCJ, and
the contest administrators at the NCJ are separate from the Contest Branch
of the ARRL.  I don't think there's any plan to have NCJ publish ARRL
contest results.

>  I dont know if contests organizers will stop publish contest results or
> just publish short version of results do we need that kind of the contest?
>  We need propably but organizers not
>  Why then they are organizing what they are dont need?
>         73                         Al 4L5A/D4B
> > The NCJ was not originally an ARRL publication.  It started out as a
> small,
> > self-published newsletter.  As it grew in size and subscriber base,
> > eventually a deal was struck with the ARRL to support it's publication.
> > The ARRL handles the finances, professional layout, printing, and mailing
> > of the magazine, but _all_ of the magazine's content is still created by
> > volunteers.  K9LA is not paid to be the editor of the NCJ.  None of
> > the article authors are paid for their work.  The NCJ-sponsored contests
> > are run by volunteers and the results are produced by volunteers (not the
> > ARRL Contest Branch.)
> >
> > The NCJ benefits from this relationship: volunteers get to focus on
> content
> > rather than the mundane details of finances and production; and the ARRL
> > promotes the magazine to the ARRL membership.
> >
> > The ARRL benefits from the relationship: ARRL membership loyalty is
> enhanced
> > amongst contesters; there is an ARRL-associated outlet for authors whose
> > contest-specific writings don't fit into QST; and the prestige of the ARRL
> > amongst hams at large, who know that the ARRL is publishing several
> specialty
> > magazines as well as QST, is generally enhanced.
> >
> > Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
> > kenharker at kenharker.com
> > http://www.kenharker.com/
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > CQ-Contest mailing list
> > CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest
> >

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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