[CQ-Contest] Physical conditioning and contesting

K4SB k4sb at bellsouth.net
Thu Dec 2 15:16:45 EST 2004

Russell Hill wrote:
> Basically, almost all new houses for the past 30 or so years have
> been built in subdivisions with deed restrictions which severely limit
> antenna height, or these days prohibit external antennas entirely.

Well, I have good news and bad news regarding this post. First of all,
the concept that an antenna must be high is nonsense unless you
qualify it. And by qualifying, I mean what are you tryiing to
accomplish? If you even remotely think you can put a pair of stacked
Yagis for 20 on a 200' tower, and compete in the SS, you're in for a
rude shock.

Now the good news. In Paulding county, GA, there are literally dozens
of homes in subdivisions without covenent restrictions. I live in one
called "Pickett's Mill", the house was built in 1988, and there are
absolutely no restrictions. All brick home with swimming pool, ( hate
the damn thing ) about 4 acres, complete privacy, and 4 towers. Lots
of big tall pines also. Together with K4CY ( 9K2ZZ ) we have 7 towers.

And by Federal Law, you cannot be prohibited from erecting either a
dish or yagi antenna for TV reception under any circumstance. And for
that matter, you can put the damn thing 10' from the street. Now, who
defines just what size a Yagi has to be for good TV reception is up to
your imagination. If you put a 5 element 20 on your chimmney, and hook
it up to the TV, it's legal. Simply put, you cannot be forced to use
cable for your TV.


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