[CQ-Contest] Fwd: RE: Signing /QRP in Contests...(MORE)

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Sun Dec 5 22:54:57 EST 2004

Hi, Carl:

There may be info in all of this for a filler article if you come up short 
sometime :-)


Rick, K6VVA

>Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 19:51:35 -0800
>To: cq-contest at contesting.com
>From: Eric Hilding <dx35 at hilding.com>
>Subject: RE: Signing /QRP in Contests...
>Jeff,  K8ND (sometimes PJ2/K8ND) commented:
> > "/QRP" is just more noise in the pileup.
>Amen & Amen & Amen.
>My "Final-Final" comments I feel need to include the following, in 
>response to those in favor of "/QRP" callsign add-ons for *whatever* 
>reasons, which then should require the appropriate corresponding add-ons 
>by NON-QRP stations ... for "equality" ... and so everyone will be better 
>able to "identify" extra operator/station handicaps or lack thereof in the 
>midst of a contest (like, people have nothing better do do, right?): (*)
>1. callsign/GCQ  (I'm operating from a Geographically Challenged QTH with 
>low antennas, so please work harder to pick me out of the pileup, okay?)
>2. callsign/NSO2R (I'm not SO2R, so please turn down the volume on your 
>other radio and be extra special kind to me, okay?)
>3. callsign/NXYL (I'm not fortunate enough like the married operators to 
>have an XYL to bring me food during the contest, am thinking about 
>petitioning for a new NO XYL awards category by the contest sponsor, so 
>please bend over backwards to work me, okay?
>4. callsign/NSYOBT (I'm not fortunate enough to have stacked yagis on big 
>towers, so please go out of your way to separate me from the big boys in 
>the pileup, okay?)
>5. callsign/INSPT (I'm not in a Geographically Challenged QTH, not SO2R, 
>don't have stacked yagis on a big tower, no XYL to serve me food during 
>the contest, but I need "Special Preferential Treatment" for some personal 
>reason *during* the contest exchange or on a QSL card.  Please forget 
>about your high QSO per hour rate goals, overall contest goals and stop to 
>spend extra time working me, especially in bad QRM if I have a real weak 
>signal for whatever reason, okay?)
>I think Detective Jack Friday would probably say:  "Just gimme the 
>callsign, only the callsign, and ditch the UN-necessary"
>Rick, K6VVA
>(*) P.S. I hope no one thinks I am really serious here ;-(

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