[CQ-Contest] Signing /QRP

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Tue Dec 7 19:30:59 EST 2004

Roy, WA4DOU wrote:

   As a longtime member of QRP ARCI, the oldest and
largest QRP organization, I'll be happy to contact various
members/officers about the subject of /qrp and why its
gumming up the works in the contest world. I believe it
will likely stimulate written comment in articles in the club
journal and other club journals to discourage the practice.
I'll try and send copies to other qrp clubs.

Tnx, Roy...that's great.  I sincerely think *everyone* will benefit in the 
long run...both QRPers & Non-QRPers.


Rick, K6VVA

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