[CQ-Contest] Line Scores

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Tue Dec 7 21:48:16 EST 2004

In a message dated 12/7/2004 9:40:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
k-zero-hb at earthlink.net writes:
>>We get the picture.  You hold the "SOTB" people in some disdain.  Too bad
for you (and them) because that's where the future radiosport players have
to come from.  <<

No you don't. I have nothing against SOTB or novices. I finally got one of my 
sons to become KG4TBS and working on the second one and his XYL. 
What I am trying to say, that ARRL is taking wrong philosphy in cutting the 
coverage of contesting (stimulating, competitive activity) in favor fo dumbing 
down the coverage in magazines.
You think I do not want more points and multipliers to call me in the contest?
I want all the SOTB to become contest SOBs, you can only attract them by 
glorifying and publicizing contesting and not "streamlining" it out of magazine. 

73 and sayonara

Yuri, K3BU.us

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