[CQ-Contest] Your Novice Accent/Our Contesting Voice (was line scores)

Warren C. Stankiewicz nf1j at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 7 22:48:42 EST 2004

Hans' story of the new licensee's first contact is a truly sad one.  Hans,
have you been able to contact him since then and let him know we're not all
like that? What a poor welcome to the hobby. One guy likes that makes us all
look bad.

Some time ago, there was a series of articles about "Your Novice Accent". Is
it time for us, and the ARRL, to revisit it? Yes, the ARRL has to
concentrate on numbers, and growth--but we all want what's best for our
hobby, and that includes "making better hams". The Amateur's Code has indeed
been neglected by too many.

There've been some great posts on this list lately about contesters who've
brought "newbies" into their shacks and showed them what we're all about.
Let's not keep those stories to ourselves--evangelize! Send them to
Newington! Talk about them at your club meeting! Why not your next contact
on the repeater?

If contesting is in trouble, and I'm not saying it is or isn't, it's up to
us contesters to save it for the ARRL, and not the other way around. What
have you done lately?

warren, NF1J/6

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