[CQ-Contest] Veteran Contester K4PJ SK

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Fri Dec 10 22:02:18 EST 2004

In reading the December QST silent key listings I find Melvin Wardell, K4PJ
Mel was a major competitor from both EPA (W3DGM) and TN (K4LPW and later

I was working on my novice in 1956 and had just put up a trap Dipole and
turned on my new but used S-40B.  I tuned the bands for practice and found a
major CW contest going on.  With my QRS I kept tuning in the loudest station
and it was almost always W3DGM.  Mel won the ARRL CW DX Contest that year.

I saw his picture in QST (for the ARRL SS) and as a youngster marveled at
the room full of gear shown.

Mel battled W3BES(later W3GM) not only for EPA honors but high CW SS score
as well.  Mel moved to Oak Ridge, TN where be became K4LPW in 1957.  He
immediately made high scores in all contests entered.  His K4LPW scores
continued into the 60's when be became K4PJ. I remember one local in TN
asking how could this newcomer do so well (his call was new but not the op

I remember working him later with my shiny new call and he told me his call
was K4 little peanut whistle (he was 99.9% CW).  Hearing Mel's signal he was
anything but a peanut whistle!   While in EPA he was a leader in the FRC.

RIP Mel.

73 Dave K4JRB

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